We have the solution for you! By featuring seamless and adaptive,
vendor-neutral, open-protocol solutions in building automation, be it for maintenance, retrofits or upgrades.
As an OEM provider and solutions enabler, our route to market has always been through
certified partner
The partnership model for EMSI Program entails an extremely focused and dedicated strategy, tailored for your needs and catered to your unique portfolio.
Based on decades of experience and knowledge in working with legacy systems, we developed a unique, open-source solution which will disrupt and scale up the industry by truly
opening up all proprietary protocols and walled garden ecosystems.
We cover, in-house, the three main verticals which you require,
qualifying us as a one-stop solutions’ provider:
DDC Controller |
Smart DDC Controller |
Tenant Billing System |
Direct Digital Control System |
Protocol Converter |
Interface Gateway |
Protocol gateway |
Protocol Router |
BACnet Router |
Modbus Router |
Modbus Gateway |
Modbus IP Gateway |
Modbus TCP Gateway |
Modbus TCP Router |
Modbus Bridge |
BACnet Bridge |
MQTT Converter |
Modbus RTU to BAC net TCP/IP |
BAC net MS/TP to BAC net TCP/IP |
DLMS to Modbus Converter |
Pulse to Modbus Converter |
Energy Management System |
Energy Management Solution |
Building Management System |
Energy Auditing |